Monday, December 29, 2008


so my grades finally posted.... 4 A's a C and a B..I am a little disapointed cuz that C brought my GPA down to a 3.71 but oh well not too bad for taking 19 credits in a semester... Im glad it's over!

I met with my teacher for student teaching and she is way amazing.. I cant believe I start next monday! AHH! but it will be okay i am positve!

Downside...i think that I might have to make this blog private now tho that im going in the school....Schools dont like your personal buisnees floating around on the yea I will have to figure that all out but i will keep everyone posted do not worry!

1 comment:

Brett and April said...

I just met my Cooperating teacher too for next semester! I'm starting to get nervous (the good kind of nervous...) What grades will you be student teaching?