Sunday, December 20, 2009


So today i got up early to drive to surprise and pick up my friend Sarah so I could take her to the airport. I was so sleepy but she was buying me breakfast so it was worth it. I had to get gas so went to the nearest chevron thats right by my house. I pump the gas and sit in the car cuz its  cold. When the gas is done pumping I get out and pull the handle to put it away only i was holding the gas pump handle down. I sprayed EVERYWHERE! luckily it mostly got on my car and the ground or so I thought. I got back in the car and other than feeling so  stupid I was afraid from the fumes I would be making my baby stupid too! I thought ugh I am just going to roll the windows down and turn the hear up and breath into my arm...well i picked my right arm and took a big breath...ALL GAS! ugh it gagged me. I took my sweater off and wadded it up and threw it in the back. It didnt help too much because the whole  car was a gas chamber. I finally made it to Olive and Citrus or the white tank mountains  and the smell was still overwhelming if I didnt leave the windows down. Sarah hooked me up with a new sweater and a bag for the tainted one. This made the rest of the trip fabuloso but man it stunk at first!

Monday, December 14, 2009

lazy lunch turns messy

SO i tried to be good and feed petyl yummy vggie and noodle soup so that she could get some vitamins in her and whatever...but I was a little lazy so instead of pulling up the high chair i let her sit and eat on the counter. WELL Petly will only eat the amazing veggies in the soup if i feed them to her with a cracker. SO as i am feeding her she asks for her drink which she still calls baba even tho it is a sippy cup. It was on the floor behind us i said ok dont move and i will get it. SHE then reached for the crackers on the other side of the full soup bowl. THEN...

That last pic here is after she tried to run thru..slipped and fell because she wanted to help clean so now her pants are off and she is "helping"

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Yea I sold the business...uhm it was crazy and you need to have money and knowledge of the business world to keep up on those types of adventures but its okay we sold it on CRAIGSLIST! ha can you believe it Craigslist is amazing! but this awesome family came in and scooped it up and is going to be able to make IA so much better!

SO NOW i am a 23 year old prego, mom, and wife who has a bachlors and HAS owened a business..still sounds accomplished right! I am going to try and substitute now... which is scarry but might be good. I appled at Glendale and they said they needed people and would call me but i havent heard so i am going to call tomorrow..then my friend wants me to sub for her so i need to fill out the app for the Diosis of Phoenix. but who knows what will happen. I will keep you posted FO SHO!

GOOD NEWS about Trustan tho..he got in to his classes he wanted at GCC he was waitlisted on one and finally got in..which is awesom cuz its a good schedule even tho he is taking Chem and Bio at the same time..but that was his choice! CRAZY! I hated yea hopefully he does well cuz i cant help him with those classes at all. So yea next semester is going to be fun stuff!

Petyl is amazing as always..she loves the christmas lights on peoples houses and we taught her to look fo rthem and now when she cant see any she just yells MORE MORE MORE until we see more. but its so awesome!

Little bug in my belly is doing great too! I think i mean ight now its hard to say cuz i dont know much but i go to the doc again on the 23rd and that is so exciting! i think we might find out the sex..but i dont know for sure...I have started to feel little movements which make it so fun! I cant wait till my belly moves and then we can show petyl..she might not get it tho but oh well its still exciting!

So yea i guess that is the update for now I will write more SOON


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So I am starting up the BLOG thing again because I missed it. So many of you may not know this but I a a new business owner. Imagination Avenue is my new adventure. It is located off the 51fwy and Shea. Not too far from Paradise Valley Mall. It is an indoor play center for kiddies 0-8 years old. We have lots of fun things to do so definitly if you have children in you life in any kind of way you should bring them in to check it out. here is our website :) I am also starting a prescool program there. It will be for 3-5 year olds and is only 3 days a week for 2.5 hours. It is going to be perfect in preparing little ones for grade school and SUPER fun! I am excited to actually use my degree and I hope we get kiddos signed up! we only have 1 so far and I wont take more than 8 so if we can get at least 5 or 6 that would be beautiful! So if you know anyone looking for a great program TELL THEM TO CALL IMAGINATION AVENUE please :)

On another amazing note I AM PREGNANT! So miss petyl is going to be the big sis sometime this spring/summer ( i dont have an exact due date yet not that those are really exact anyways but yea i should on FRIDAY!)

So I am about 6 weeks prego and i feel like barf. but i havent actually done that so i guess that is good. but it is like CONSTANT nausa! and it is lame! i dont remember it being so constant when i was prego with Petly...hmm. Other than that i feel good. SUPER tired and that is annoying but still not too much to complain about.

We do have a name picked out if it's a girl..which according to shelly will be FOR SURE! So her name will be Hailo (no middle name yet). Boy names are harder..we are still thinking.

Im really excited and cannot wait to find out the sex. It is different this I dont feel as weird as i was the first time. I mean i was so DYING to get prego the first time that i think once i was i assumed i had to get fat right away and wear maternity clothes so EVERYONE could know! I was just way too excited last time and now i feel more laid back about it and just like YAY! I still want everyone to know cuz it is a happy thing but u know what I mean i will not be CRAZY!

Ok well I will be back soon! BYE!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

mm k

so I havent posted in a century or so but my summer has been amazing! i love being home with the little monkey! but i have also needed to watch some other little monkeys for spending cash. So i started watching these twins Brooke and Bryce..the are soooo cute they are 8 weeks old and adorable! the boy has so much hair and snarls his face just right so i call him Elvis and the girl is just a lover and wants to be held.

WELL TODAY i watched the kidlets and petyl and it was CRAZY! they were both kinda fussy when i got there at 11 but i thought they would settle down and fall asleep soon enough..NO! instead they both were wanting me to hold them and this is quite hard..i finally got them both happy in a swing and bouncer thing but the pacifiers keeped popping out and the the screaming would start again. Petyl would walk between the two of them and then look at me like "Hello help them!" and then she just started crying for no reason just cuz they were crying! SO i decided i would get her settled in the high chair with some food and that would occupy her so i could get to the little ones. but then I BURNT THE CHICKEN NUGGETS and it all went down hill from there. She was so mad but the babies were SCREAMING! so i would hold one and calm him down and lay him down and grab sister but then he was crying again. PEtyl was crying cuz she was expecting food so i gave her bread cuz it was the most accessible and i tried to feed her some yogurt but it was too crazy. so i took petyl out of her chair and then she was just following me crying at my feet. Finally i picked up both babies and rocked them in the chair petyl was so upset she got on the couch and crawled on to me in the chair and they all cried as i rocked them and sang church songs. Finally they all calmed down and the babies were asleep. And the mom came home YAY! we must have looked so was crazy! but it all worked out..but man 8week old twins and a one year old is hard work

Friday, April 17, 2009

3 FLUs over the rowlan nest

EW! that is how i must start this post because let me tell u it is a horrendous one!

Day 1: Monday
I leave Trustan to watch Petyl while I go do this dance thing for Shelly. It was SUPPOSED to be an easy peasy evening. she was fed and in bed at 8:15. i left at 8:30. I go to the church and just when we are about to leave at 9:45 Trustan calls. "Petyl threw up everywhere in her crib." amazing so i get home petyl is in the bath Trustan had taken all her crib stuff out. I got Petyl out and back in some jams. she calmed down and went back to bed. 20 mins. later she is crying. I grab her out of the crib and snuggle her of course and mmMm i get covered in some amazing barf. so i take her in the other bathroom just so i can get undressed and clean her off again. we rocked in the chair for a while and sure enough she threw up twice more. she finally seemed more relaxed so i put her back in the crib and went to clean some of the mess. i checked on her 10 minutes later and she was passed out but there was a little more puke in her bed. I wiped it as quietly as possible covered her with a blanket and let her be.

Day 2: Tuesday
called in to school so I could clean everthing and make sure Missy was okay. the day was fine all good. 7pm tried to give her some real food...she didnt even eat a whole bite and she threw up all over the highchair. called the doc. doc. said there is a virus going around it lasts about 5 days. and that they usually get sick around the same time every night or may just have diarrhea. They said just do some pedialite and take it easy. they said to only offer her starchy foods like the rice and cereal stuff and milk or formula.

Day3: Wednesday
Petyl wakes up with blown out YELLOW nasty diaper. but she seemed fine. drop her off at gmas go to school. go get my nails done. come home. felt all day. a little dizzy too. hmm. around 7 made petyl some cereal. she ate it seemed happy. almost ate half when she let a little burp out. hmm threw up everthing back in to the bowl. cleaned her up got her to bed. 10:30 i wake up PUKING! 11:30 puking some more. 12:30 trustan starts puking. 1 petyl wakes up with a dirty diaper. couldnt even complete the change ad to call in trustan so i could run to the bathroom. come back to relive trustan to also run to the bathroom. feed petyl put her to bed. she screams! take her down stairs to get the bottle. she pukes ALL over me. take her clothes off and bring her to trustan so i could get in the shower and clean/puke some more. when i get out trustan says "Aw our sick little family." EW! it is not Aw like how cute it is disgusting! we all lay in bed watchin Reno 911. 3am petyl goes back to sleep. trustan and i take turns getting up all night.

Day4: Thursday
we both call in for the day. trustan has a 104 degree temp and is shaking he is so cold. i can barely even care beause i feel like death. petyl wakes up at 8 and i feel a little better but can barely take care of her so i take her to Shelly's and stop at walgreens for some gatoraid and water. Trustans fever doesnt break until around 3pm. we have my dad go get petyl and my family watched her for the night.

again we stayed home. this was more of a recovery day. still not eating much BUT there has been NO PUKING! oh but p.s. shelly is now sick!

This is an awful disgusting thing the stomach flu and i wish it on nobody not even creepers or wierdos! i dont know how u avoid this type of thing but please do try!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dr. Seuss Bday

shelly brought up a good point today.....i imformed her of the birthday celebrations today heard from school room to school room and she said something to the effect...we can celebrate his birthday but not talk about Jesus. hmm i was thinking about this just now. and like okay so some may so oh relgion and school no good so that is why w dont speak of J.C. but then on the other hand many people do not celebrate birthdays and so this day could also be infrindging on someones belief...BUT if it is okay to celebrate birthdays at school then Christmas should be okey dokey cuz religious or not Jesus ad his birth are proven....

hmm so yea

those are my thoughts

oh and today is Marisa's bday too SO happy birthday to her!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

briesons promt that i stole because i am bored and do not want to go to bed yet

I was walking home from school yesterday. It was a pretty warm day for February but the sun felt nice on my skin. It was the perfect kind of warmth that makes a person want summer to come. This however is all an illusion because no one really wants summer to come in Phoenix. I was suddenly torn away from my thinking when out of the corner of my eye I saw a boy drop something out of the passing vehicle. I wouldn't have given it a second thought but the dry wind blew it just into my path. I picked up the pace a little because that something really looked like something. It was a 100 dollar bill sticking awkwardly to the concrete ahead of me. I reached out to rescue it from it's wandering. I was very surprised and happily put the bill in my pocket and continued home. Once home I immediately took the bill out again except just in this moment it changed somehow. It happened so fast I am not sure I even ever had a bill in my pocket in the first place but at the same time I knew I did. The once bill now was a beautiful cardinal flying through my kitchen like a flash of fire in the sky. He must have been scared. I must admit I was a little shocked myself. This could not be happening. right? the bird flurried some more until he finally came to a rest on the edge of the counter I call the peninsula. I already thought things were strange...but I was wrong nothing was more strange that what happened in that next moment.
To be continued....

Monday, January 26, 2009


my husband yes shelly rowlan's son is at times.....retarded! so his wallet is missing..(a regular occurace in our lives) and instead of telling me this and finding it YESTERDAY we wait until 5:32 AM! when he is two minutes late already to then wake me up in hope that i some how can use my eye spy eye glass and tell him where it is located. well no i must tell you we did not find it and now he is off half way to mexico for work with no wallet. I love him but he is like i said just a little retarded..and there must be someone to blame...i blame must be the Rowlans in some way and I assume that trustans life was very orderly before THE DOG. He being the oldest child and with such responsible character oh and with shelly as the mother and true insipration to his life it is obvious this disorder stems from another sorce. When that dog got thrown in the picture it brought in stress and confusion and this being in the adolesent onset years for trustans brain..he was permanetly dammaged!

in a side note i feel other Rowlans have been influnced as well see briesons blog "Oh mygosh i tune people out". anyways i guess i just want to know if you have seen the walet please let trustan know

oh and stay away from Forest or he may affect you as well!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I have been so busy with school and stuff that I have had to put my blog on the back burner! i am so sorry my followers! So student teaching is going amazing! I love my school and the teacher! I have been missing my baby girl but it's goin okay....My resoultions are going pretty good! I have not been late one time! Petyls scrap book is in mind just not quite started..this weekend!!! hmmm last week i danced and walked/ran-ish (LOL) and this week I plan on going to LA fitness and takin my acount off of hold so I can do the classes! I have not started the book but really I have to journal for my class everyday so that is my max writting load so no worries cherly i will not start till May(this is your chance to push forward!!)

I didwant to write a warning for all you AMC Deer Valley 30 may want to start packin when you are up there! this weekend we wnt to see Bride Wars(oh so good!) and then we went down to Target to buy the Britney Spears CD(i kno it's a habit i cant kick!) and on ouay back we saw a woman-ish person walking down the strip wearing tights thatwere ripped and rolled down with her whole butt hangin out and a tube top shirt that i think she meant to be a dress just revealing everything and she was def. not in her right mind kickin her legs and uhm yea it was pretty scarry and she was a wreck! so just word to the wise BE CAREFULL up there!

HMM so yea all is good and I will try and write more...and have pics!
but yea I do have to say i am very VERY disaponted in BRIESON ROWLAN and his non blogging i mean his life is absoultly the same and with that new laptop we should be getting blogs by the hour...but have you seen any? NO! well i mean i sure havent! Maybe it is some kind of skeam! hmm we must all keep and eye out for that creepertin! but word to B... BLOG ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


In no type of are my 2009 Resolutions-->
1. Scrap book and Journal PETYLs whole life including pregnancy(and our wedding and honeymoon!)
2. Run at least three times a week..and/or DANCE!
3. Graduate College!
4. Be ON TIME as much as possible
5. have a schedule and stick with it(see numero 4)
6. try something painting(i really want to do this!)
7. decorate house...hangin pictures and the bedroom mostly!
8. write book..or start it at least!
9. get better at putting God first
10. spend more time with family

meet and greet and ENGAGEMENTS!!!!!!!!!

so today like many other days i spent time with the Row-Clan get it HAHA anyways yes i was there and I got to meet Carissas new man in question Aaron or Aron or Erin or Airin or Ayerin hmm or some other way to spell his name and yes here is pic 1.....assuming there will be many other pictures...

anyways then a very exciting thing happened! the Engagement of Bri was announced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES i said it she is ENGAGED...well sorta

Shelly gave her the LOVE BOOK which is the key to love and marriage and within a year(actually i think the specific time frame was less..i remember something about 9..but i dont know what so we will go with within a year Bri will be married!!!

 this book is the engagement because it's magic is so strong that Bri might miss the fun of being engaged so please take the time to congratulate her, throw her party's and stock her future kitchen with hand towels and toasters.