Thursday, January 1, 2009


In no type of are my 2009 Resolutions-->
1. Scrap book and Journal PETYLs whole life including pregnancy(and our wedding and honeymoon!)
2. Run at least three times a week..and/or DANCE!
3. Graduate College!
4. Be ON TIME as much as possible
5. have a schedule and stick with it(see numero 4)
6. try something painting(i really want to do this!)
7. decorate house...hangin pictures and the bedroom mostly!
8. write book..or start it at least!
9. get better at putting God first
10. spend more time with family


Shelly Rowlan said...

Those are great goals. I wonder if I should do some goals--oh wait! I already did. I just need to REMEMBER to work on them. I guess that should be my first goal: remember to work on my goals. I think I should do all these goals too. Hmmm. Maybe we can dovetail some projects.

Gates & Tausha said...

ooh such LOFTY goals!!! (such like shellys...ahhaha jk).

ps---if you are fitness (i'm thinking about joining...because...) has a hip hop class...tuesdays at 5:45 at 83rd/union...or wednesdays at 5:45 at 67th/peoria...WOO!!! just gettin that out there. :)

ps one of petyls pacifiers are here at my house from lessons! :)

Briannon said...

I can help you with almost all of those goals!

Cheryl said...

If you start that dang book before I start mine, I'm gonna feel real bad 'cause I've been talking about it for years. Now I feel such pressure. Thanks a lot. Gotta go!