shelly brought up a good point today.....i imformed her of the birthday celebrations today heard from school room to school room and she said something to the effect...we can celebrate his birthday but not talk about Jesus. hmm i was thinking about this just now. and like okay so some may so oh relgion and school no good so that is why w dont speak of J.C. but then on the other hand many people do not celebrate birthdays and so this day could also be infrindging on someones belief...BUT if it is okay to celebrate birthdays at school then Christmas should be okey dokey cuz religious or not Jesus ad his birth are proven....
hmm so yea
those are my thoughts
oh and today is Marisa's bday too SO happy birthday to her!
Cool Marissa's Birthday is the same as Dr. Suess! But Yeah that is stupid! There is like trillions of things that schools celebrate, and sometimes students are forced to celebrate. But really next thing you know they wont be having Dr. Sueuss's Birthday!
You know how stupid people complain about Jesus Being discussed in the classroom, because it's offensive, I think we should complain the it's offensive that it isnt talked about.
If you think about it, it KINDA takes away your freedoms, like you cant talk about religious things in school, well only christian religious things, Jewish, Hindu, and Islam are okay.
Wow! I got quoted in a blog. My life is complete. Yes, it is interesting because at Paseo Hills you can't talk about Jesus, BUT you can talk about Hannakuah (or however you spell it) and Kawanza, but not Christmas. So weird.
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