So first of all my kid is soo stinking cute..but i think we have a problem on our hands!
Today was Petyl 's 4 month check up even though today she is 5 months od(itwas as soon as i could get in okay!) anyways so everytime you go in and they weight and measure and all that jazz. Well after measuring lil P the nurse Michael compared petyl's stats with the percentiles on the page...after a minute of calculations a confused and then amazed look filled michaels face...petyl was off the charts for heght.. and you know at first it was quite exciting...i saw images of free college from high school scholorships for basketball or vollyball, i saw Tyra Banks giving adult petyl tips on how to really pop her fierce eyes...but then it hit me... SHE IS A GIANT!!!
now maybe you the average reader do not see this as such an issue. I however the mother am a little worried..... what if she turns in to one of those monsters in old scarry movies..the 100 foot woman or whatever. what if i have to buy whole elephants just to satisfy her hunger.....and i dont even want to think about the size of the crock pot i would need to make elephant roast! my poor child is going to be a bahemiath beast if we dont do something...but what can we do??
please help me!
or one day this could be her....
Don't worry, she will level out. This was my greatest fear in 8th grade when I was as tall as I am now and none of hte boys were even 5 foot 5 yet. We will just find another giant to marry her--they are around--I've seen them.
think of it as a gift - I have wanted the gift of hight my entire life! (really I haven't I enjoy being small)
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