Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a little deep

so there is this video and it is soo good everytime i watch it i get chills it is very visual i guess ! just wanted to share


Tara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

(who the heck was that) (the comment above) Anyway, I think I get it, and it was a little creepy too!

Anonymous said...

Tara!! I MUST know what you said, before you deleted it!!!

Christy and Petyl said...

omg i totally beat you shelly....wooo you have students that read your blog...WELL I HAVE PEOPLE FROM PORTUGAL!

for once i beat shelly..this day will go down in history!

p.s. welcome anastacio soberbo become a follower!

Gates & Tausha said...

yes totally saw that vid a ways back----ALWAYS a neat one!!!