Thursday, October 23, 2008

i must say thank you

Mr Brieson you have truely helped me out! i have gained a follower!!! you must have scared people with your mean face or maybe the "rock" star new hair du(i almost wrote dew...i dont know how to spell hahah)!anyways oh yes this has made my day
Brianna Overfield I welcome you!

and p.s. SAM get on board this is the whole reason i made you start a blog so you could follow following yours now return the favor!

if any of your crazy followers want to know more about the crazy life of cosmotology school and my best friend then you must follow the blog above....Brieson and Shelly... i am talking to you here!


Jaime and Brent said...

I found your blog through a friends (Tara's). It's a small world. Funny that you are married to Trustan. The first time I ran into Trustan, actually he ran into me... I was collecting fast offerings at his parents when I was about 12 (19 years ago), Shelly had invited me to come in their living room while I waited on her. The next thing I know, Trustan (about 6 years old or so)is running full speed in my direction and delivers a Rocky Balboa KO punch to my gems. I was rolling on the ground for a little while and Trustan was nowhere to be seen after that. You know certain things never leave your memory for certain reasons. Just thought you'd get a laugh out of that considering you married that little bugger. I haven't seen Trustan in 15 years or more, and he probably wouldn't even remember me since he was so young. It's funny seeing him all grown, looking at his picture. His dad, Stacey, was actually my scout adviser and later my bishop. You'll have to tell them I said "Hi".

Brent Jarman

Shelly Rowlan said...

Wow! I totally know Brent Jarman and I totally remember that incident. I came back into the room and Brent was laying on the floor (fetal position). I guess you don't forget moments like that. And LOOK at how many people read your blog!! Wow!!

Christy and Petyl said...

i will have to appologize for him LOL that is a funny story...most of the stories i hear about his younger years a freakishly similiar...i am afraid if we ever have a boy! i will pass on the hello!