Tuesday, October 28, 2008

pumpkin patch pictures!!!!!!!!!!!


Shelly Rowlan said...

Those pictures are SOO cute! Great new family tradition. Petyl has already got the pouty-Tyra-Banks-next-top-model look down pat. Next year, I'm riding the pony AND the ladybug train.

Briannon said...

i think the pictures are so dang awesome, i really love them, especially the one of trustan and petyl and shelly and petyl...whats litle petyl going to be for halloween anyway, a flower? lol

Christy and Petyl said...

shelly - petyl def. has some amazing faces lol

bri - we want to have her where this chicken costume we have and for trustan to be the rooster and i was goin to be the mother hen but we couldnt find the hen costume :(

Tara said...

SO cute! That pumpkin pic of Petyl at the end was like where's waldo. Hee Hee! She's adorable! If you want SUPER cute pic's click on Julia's blog, through mine. She is SO AWESOME!!! I can email you her number if you want, or comment on her blog to get her info.

Anonymous said...

BLAH!! Christine some of these pictures look fake, like the background isnt real.