first of all HALLOWEEN IS LAME now...or just people are i dunno we only had 2 trick or treaters! and i missed them both! that is so stupid but yea! anyways that is not the reason for my post. but i guess it did lead to it see i was pretty bored waiting for lil princess' and monsters that never came so after laying petyl down i was called to the computer like i usually am. nothing real intersting to look at so i decided to google my name. First of all when i googled my maiden name Christine Young all that comes up is a 19 year old canadian porn star. nothing on the real me. Then i googled Christine Rowlan and you know what came up first. BRIESONS BLOG! and then after that it tries to find Christine RowlanD but that is not me so i dont care. then when i scroll down a few i finaly see me on a face book link. but get this it is all in German. I know because there was a "translate this" button and i clicked it and it translated to english and it was my face book. isnt that strange....why does y facebook come up german? weird!
anyways that is all for now. I am going to read my twilight book whichever one it is.....buenas noches or good night
So I had to google my name too--and everything that came up was from YOUR and BRIESON's AND MY blog. Good think I have a blog, so that the world, at large, knows that I exist. But no german translations--however, Rowlan IS a german name, thus making the german listing a little more logical.
9 ugh!!! -New blog comin through - in desperation to get more followers!
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